Learning For Life Center Nonprofit

Our Vision:

The Learning for Life Center is dedicated to Planetary and Personal Wholeness and Wellness. Education is central to our mission and altruistic endeavors. Our intention is to serve as a vehicle to bring more kindness and consciousness into the world.

Our Mission:

The Learning for Life Center is focused on networking with individuals, families, and organizations in order to co-create mindful ways of living more consciously, compassionately, and sustainably on the Earth. Through Social, Emotional and Trauma Informed Educational Initiatives and Events, we are committed to providing Sustainable, Healthful, Balanced, and Broad-Based and Enjoyable Learning Opportunities. We are committed to serving and supporting Diverse Populations in Equitable and Inclusive ways as we serve both local and global communities.

Our Motto: 

“Think Globally, Dream Universally, Keep Your Feet on the Ground, and Have Fun!”