The ABC’s of Learning For Life with LaVetta
Practicing the ABC’s of Learning for Life allows people to connect with their own feelings and needs, and to hear the concerns and perspectives of others too. People say that they find new energy and enthusiasm for life as they give themselves and others the freedom and opportunity to practice the ABC’s:
A- Authenticity and Action
B- Bravery, Boundaries, and Balance
C-Compassion, Connection, Creativity, and Choice.
Practicing the ABC’s of Learning for Life provides opportunities to go beyond what these words mean literally and to explore with kindness the patterns that no longer serve the individual, the family, or the organization. By becoming real and authentic, people can choose to face their fears…sometimes even with tears… which in turn, creates fresh new energy in body, mind, and spirit.
Some possible side effects of working with LaVetta are:
1. Feeling more at ease and being less judging of self and others
2. Becoming more physically healthy with increased energy
3. Experiencing better communication with others and with oneself
4. Having more focus and more FUN!
Can you imagine relating to yourself and others without blame, shame, punishment, self criticism, people pleasing, feeling alone with worries, or finding yourself escaping into addictive behaviors, or depression? If you are ready to look at these patterns and make the changes you wish to see in your life, yourself, or your organization, LaVetta is here for you. If you are ready to face challenges, LaVetta is ready to be on your team.