Let's Talk About FENG SHUI

Q,  What is Feng Shui (pronounced “fung schway) ?”

  1. Why would anyone be interested in learning

      about it?

  1. When is it possible to have

      a Feng Shui Consultation?

  1. How much does it cost?
  1. Feng Shui means “wind & water;”and it is a way of creating more: Focus,  Financial Freedom, Flow, and …Fun in your life!
  2. Call, text, or email LaVetta to set up an

      appointment in your office, home, on the phone,

       or Face Time!

  1. Cost depends on the travel time and expense, and if we are working by phone or in person. Fees range from $200 – $500 per session.                                                          (Packages & Sliding scale options are often available…just ask!)

IF you are burdened with extra physical weight,

and/ or emotional or spiritual heaviness,

AND you are ready to lighten up …

IF you are dealing with an addictive behavior

 that you would like to investigate or change…

IF you are dealing with clutter, confusion,

and feeling overwhelmed …

IF you are beginning or ending a relationship,

shifting careers, selling a house, or moving…

IF you are wishing to have a more functional

office and work place…

IF you are needing to create a more loving

and flowing life style for you and your family…

IF you would like to have more prosperity

and abundance in your life…

THEN….You just might be interested in setting up a FENG SHUI Consultation in order to create more Focus, Flow, Financial Freedom, and Fun in your life!